About Us
Our Mission
The mission of Wycliffe Ethiopia is to facilitate Bible translation, scripture engagement and community development in whole of creation and interpersonal collaboration with those who serve and share common values with us. It is about holistic personal transformation and community. We are about development and integral mission that care about the whole being of a person. Wycliffe Ethiopia believes all creations are created by God in diversity in such a way they can co-exist in unity for service to God and mankind. So, we believe in partnership with multiple ethnic persons and cultures. This shows the qualities and aspects of God are meant to be understood, shared and demonstrated in the languages and cultures of all people. Wycliffe Ethiopia recognizes the need for Bible translation, scripture engagement, integrated community development and language and literacy development in Ethiopia and beyond. To answer for these needs, Wycliffe Ethiopia will work towards encouraging the churches, local governments and para-church organizations in the horn of Africa to fulfill the needs of each community. Wycliffe Ethiopia encourages and promotes the work of Bible translation and its relative activities by networking with other Organizations that share our goals and core values. Our objective is to provide an environment where many partners can serve together as colleagues within the language communities of Ethiopia and beyond.
Our Vision
Individuals and communities in Ethiopia and beyond are transformed and developed through God’s love and God’s word expressed in languages and culture that they understand best and into a well- developed community.
Core Values
- We believe the entire Bible, in the original languages, is the inspired Word of God, and should be available to all,
- All languages are equal in value and given by God,
- We desire all language communities have access to the scriptures for hearing, teaching and observation, and application,
- We desire to develop and document the entire Bible into as many languages as God provides for,
- We seek dependence on God for all material and spiritual things,
- We seek partnership and shared service with other believers who share our objectives,
- We strive to serve all communities without discrimination.