Alemu Zegeye
My name is Alemu Zegeye. I am married and a father of a son and two daughters. I am Bible
Translation Consultant. I used to work with The Bible Society of Ethiopia on Amharic Study Bible as Bible
Translator since 2006 to 2013. Then I joined to Meserte Kirstos Bible College as full-time lecturer. I
worked there from 2013 to 2015 for a couple of years. Starting 2015 till 2022, I used to work in the
Word for The World Ethiopia as projects coordinator, Exegete, Projects director and Bible Translation
I joined Wycliffe Ethiopia in December, 2022 as Bible translation Consultant. I spend my spare time in
reading books, watching football games.
I also used to serve in my local church as full-time minister for several years before joining the Bible
Society of Ethiopia. I have been serving in my local church in different capacity, like in leadership,
teaching and training department in preparing teaching materials, and preaching and teaching on the