Glory To God!

We are delighted that the translation work of Tsara, Mursi, Zay, and Innor has been successfully completed by the final translation screening process (Translation Checking), the accuracy of the Bible Translation Consultants (or through the consultancy checking process). Soon, we will begin manuscript checking and type setting, which is the final work of these. In the history of our organization, these pioneering New Testament works have caused great joy among many of us.

In Psalm 126:3, the psalmist says, “The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy,” and the Lord God has done great things for these four communities. This great work will break down the kingdom of darkness and expand the kingdom of God, so that all people will come to salvation by feeding on the word of God. Not only does this opportunity stand somewhere, but it is a great blessing passed down from generation to generation.
And, fortunately, we would like to congratulate our translation teams engaged in this work and to all Wycliffe Ethiopia ministers who have been directly involved in this great ministry. We give thanks to the Lord our great God for all this success.
We invite you to take this opportunity to pray that Wycliffe Ethiopia will gain more energy in this ministry.